8 Things in College I did not bother investing my time and it paid off.

Well, wow?! How did we get into 9 years of throwback? Cheers to years of burning the midnight oil, horrible thesis defense, retiring professors and 1.1K likes of yearbook’s profile pictures. Haha!

While coming up with this, I was filled with endless credit for the pressures, possibilities, statistics, and individuals that have brought so much impact to how I have become. Right now, I wondered why I put that “statistics” (in here), hmmm perhaps Math has made me think a great writer for now. Lol.

The point is, all of us are formed by the best and worst of our choices – and college is one of  the homes that could have either broken or built us. How we decided to hold on to opportunities during our college years could highlight great or dreadful scenarios for a lifetime. And sometimes, for others it is ‘both.’

Inspired by one of the writer’s at Elitedaily, I would want to share what exactly were the things that I never bothered joining in my university’ (in fact, I did not even know where to go to college so I ended up dreaming of Harvard) Phew!

Seriously, below are what I did not mind investing my time as these experiences (I thought) were time-wasting.

So take the time. Wink!

  1. Joining a sorority group.

I was an introvert. And “I am”. I heard many good feedbacks about girls’ united clubs and it was true. However, joining sorority/frat was maybe one of the scariest choices I might have done since painful initiations and shameful trials were for compliance. One thing I was thankful for is that I learned to be independent than to seek the approval of others. Standing alone and tapping myself was the bravest decision I ever made.

  1. PMS

Because sex is now a necessity? Regardless of integrity?

Isn’t it called insanity? Or just a pleasure of today’s humanity?

Dating and hooking up make the heart beat

Tinder and condoms collide in a single click

Sex chooses no limit of age

I was afraid I was young – buckled in a cage

Blind of love, lost in the moment

Not afraid of failure, not afraid of guilt

Mama’s looking for her jewel , saving up money for dinner

Unknown to her , I was with a boner

Thinkin’ my life in a cage like this

Will my future kids imitate a mom writing this?

The man of her life was looking around dreamin’

For a jewel who’s pure, quite, unpretending

So I chose not to drop by holding hands and texting

Hooking up, kissing or whatever online dating

Let there be bullying or friends I’ll be losing

Time, I believe , I shouldn’t be wasting

Let the mystery of love be worth waiting.

  1. Being too involved in many student council activities.

I think this is one of the most exciting parts for investing leadership which I disagree back then. I chose not to get involved since I figured out that most student-leaders were even voted for personal gain only to maintain their academic stance slash self-test.  This was all about record-breaking the worst for fame!

Most were doing this part for academics while some did run for election to secure an image deserved of respect and entitlement. At some sort this was not wrong,  yet most millennial leaders have been byproduct of self-entitlement. I wonder how leaders behave behind memes and selfies with the President.

Can we be a leader at home and see a leader helping neighbors? J

  1. Dropping out a minor subject that gave me INC.

This was the moment I found so much forgiveness in second chances. If I dropped this one minor subject out I would have missed the details of catching opportunities. Indeed, there is opportunity in every struggle.

  1. Wearing make up and lipstick.

I have seen what it takes for men to appreciate girls who wear make up and those who just stick to natural looks. And so my survey says that attitude matters when looks are underrated. haha

While staying good on my career now requires physical neatness I am thankful I do not overspend from buying lipstick and blush on.

While it builds confidence to being good-looking it gives peace to stay real.

  1. Changing my Major.

I got saved because of my major. This must be the most important choice when I did not even know where to go after choosing Literature and Linguistics. I dreamed of being a journalist, FA or a geologist and yet it was in my most trying age when God orchestrates things through detours. And while shoving off to learn something new I am bound to loving entrepreneurship.

If changing major is one of the most confusing choices  I think it is not true. A person can learn something while hating it and learning two things at the same time is one big positive course to choosing a career.

In my experience, I figured out that I am now enjoying a hobby (a bit of entrepreneurship) that is far different from my degree. I enjoyed risk-taking!

  1. Creating too many social media accounts.

I had Twittier, IG, Blogspot and FB feeding my night outs for social update and it then drained me into isolation. Having only 5 to 10 friends in my phone contacts was quite a  challenge making me question my worth in every friendship.

Creating social accounts while updating them all the time can form isolation, depression and even self-validation. I realized I have greater friends around than being too attached to the virtual world.

Having too many social media cycles was a depressing choice. We create a world that requires accounts only to validate our worth, brag our talent and appreciate our ‘presence’. This was one big YES to deleting them (even deactivating my facebook) just to test how the real world could eventually give an impact to my social life.

I suggest you (dear reader) to take time and reach out the person next to you than pressing on the like button only to make people feel you recognize them.

It is being in the moment when we see the meaning of being alive. I assure you, someone needs an encouragement in the real world.

8. Coffee overdose.

I started appreciating wellness  when I did squats (thanks Boo!) until I figured out milk was better than this endorphin stimulant. It was easy to sleep and wake up uneasy without too being dependent on any sugar condiment diet. I maintained my weight and this served me push through sweating for nutrition.

So, regardless of meta-analyis and studies shown in the websites, I could say that being a pillow addict is better than waking up with bulging eyebags.

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